About Us

Since all parents want the very best for their children, right from their very first learning experiences, increasing demands are being made on child care facilities to provide the very best level of care in all areas of their development.  There is now a marked trend towards intellectual education for children, but children still need to play, move, get enough exercise and discover their own bodies.  Our nursery school achieves both objectives by offering space for moving around, plenty of opportunity for play, a small library and various facilities for creative activity.  Our aim is to support each child through their own development.

We offer quality childcare for children aged 5 months to 5 years.  The nursery is open from 7:30am - 6:30pm Monday to Friday for 51 weeks of the year, we close on all bank holidays.  We are Ofsted registered and have an open door policy and welcome you to visit the nursery for a viewing with Claire the Nursery Manager at any time.

If you are a member and are using the club facilities you are welcome to place your child in the crèche.  Crèche hours are as follow 9:30am to 11:30am and 2pm to 4pm, you may book your child for a one or two hour session.

"Education specialists, wholehearted commitment and comprehensive childcare"

Enjoying and Achieving

Here at Club Kingswood Nursery we believe that children learn best when in a happy safe environment where they can achieve through play and support from the people whom care for them.  Club Kingswood Nursery follows the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which encourages children to build self confidence and a curiosity and desire to make sense of the world around them.  We deliver this in a number of ways:

  • Literacy and numeracy
  • Role play and imaginative play
  • Stories and rhymes
  • Mark making and creative activities
  • Outdoor opportunities
  • Exploring and investigating

Play and exploration

Here at Club Kingswood Nursery we understand that children explore in a variety of ways, so we offer a range for equipment to and environments for them

  • Did you know that sand play enables children to create different worlds and act out their own experiences ?
  • Drawing enables children to create early marks, allowing children to begin to form the foundation of writing skills.
  • By using dress up children can discover more about the worlds around them an develop vocabulary and social behaviour.

The key person approach

At Club Kingswood Nursery we give all families a key person, giving you and your child the reassurance to feel secure and cared for, helping you as a family to become confident within the nursery environment.  A key person approach is the most effective way of ensuring children develop strong relationships with a significant adult in the nursery.

Each key person within Club Kingswood Nursery builds a learning journey on every child, this allows our parents/carer to really discover what each child is learning throughout the day and how they are developing.

Each key person takes observation on their children and begin to build a picture of their

  • Personal social emotional development
  • Physical development
  • Communication and language development
  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Creative art and design
  • Understanding the world