Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions govern the basis on which we agree to provide childcare services to you, please read carefully to ensure you understand and agree to each section

1.1 We will inform you as soon as possible whether your nursery application has been successful.  You must commit within one week of receiving notification that you wish to take the place.
If you do not the place may be withdrawn.
1.2 Provide the agreed childcare facilities for your child at the agreed times.  If we change the opening hours of your Child's Nursery, we will give you as much notice as possible of our decision.
1.3 Try and accommodate any request you may make for additional sessions or extended hours, however we are unable to swap children's days.
1.4 Provide regular verbal and written update as to your child progress and development.
1.5 It is our obligation to care for all children to the best of our ability and while we are able to cater for children who are teething and may administer antibiotics or calpol, in certain situations we ask that parents follow the nurseries policies, terms and conditions in order in to protect all children.

2.1 To complete the registration pack, providing photos and completing the health record before you child starts at the nursery.
2.2 Complete the medication and emergency treatment form.
2.3 Immediately inform us if your child is suffering from any contagious disease, even if it is not your child's
regular day.  You must not allow your child to attend nursery if they are suffering from any contagious disease.  2.4 Immediately inform us of any change in contact details.
2.5 Keep us informed as to the identity of persons collecting you child, and completing a third party collection from should this be a person not already on your emergency contact list.
2.6 Immediately inform us if your child is subject to a court order and provide a copy of such a request.
2.7 Provided us with at least one month notice if you wish to increase or decrease your Childs days, or withdraw your child from the setting, and end this agreement.  If insufficient notice is given you will be reasonable for the full fee and lose your £100 deposit.
2.8 All children on antibiotics must be kept off for a minimum of 48hrs.
2.9 Coughs and colds do not normally require exclusion unless they are severe or the child is distressed.  However for the comfort and protection of your own child and other children within the nursery, we ask that you do not send your child to nursery when they are unwell.  The nursery management team will use their discretion where appropriate and may exclude children from the nursery if they feel they are too ill to attend, for a minimum of 24 hours or 48 hours if antibiotics are required.
2.10 It is your obligation to make yourself aware of nursery policy and procedures and we ask that all parents read these carefully.  A copy will be provided if you ask staff.

3.1 Our fees are based on a weekly fee which shall be notified to you in advance.  We may review these fees at any time but shall inform you of any changes in advance.
3.2 Fees MUST be paid in advance by monthly direct debit and will be calculated in accordance with the amount of sessions your child completes for that month.  Any extra session will be added on to your fees and will also be taken via direct debit.  However once your child is entitled to government funding we may amend the billing in order to comply with local authority service level agreement and code of practice.
3.3 If you have been unable to collect your child by the official collection time and we have as a result provided you with additional childcare, we will charge you additional fees of up to £5.00 per hour for the extra care that is needed for your child.  This will be added to your invoice and collected via direct debit.
3.4 If you fail to make payment in full by the due date of the 3rd of every month we will enforce an administration fee of £20.00 and a late fee of £5.00 per day that your fees are late.
3.5 All parents will still be charged for their Child's nursery place in the event of any absences and no refund will be given for periods where your child nursery place is unfilled due to illness or holiday, or for nursery closures.

4.1 You may end this agreement at any time giving us at least on month's notice.
4.2 We may end this agreement at anytime if you have failed to pay your fees.  4.3 You have breached any of you obligations under this agreement.
4.4 We may end this agreement at anytime if you have behaved unacceptably as we will not tolerate any physical or verbal abuse towards staff.
4.5 We may end this agreement at anytime if your child behaviour is unacceptable or endangers the safety and well-being of any other children or staff within the nursery.

5.1 We have an obligation to report any instances where we consider that a child may have been neglected or abused to relevant authorities.  We may do so without your consent and without informing you if we believe the child's safety and well-being are threatened.
5.2 If the nursery closes due to circumstances which are outside our control, we shall be under no obligation to provide refunds or alternative childcare facilities to you.
5.3 If you have any concerns regarding the service we provide or regarding your child please contact the Management Team.  If these concerns have not been resolved to our satisfaction please contact the nursery manager, who will follow the nurseries complaint's procedures.

6.  DATA protection
6.1 Please ask to see our data protection Policy. 

Download a printable copy of these Terms and Conditions here.

Complaints Policy

It is the aim of Club Kingswood Nursery to achieve the highest quality early years care, promoting a safe, caring and welcoming environment for all.

The Nursery is open to suggestions regarding any improvement and we welcome any suggestions regarding improvements. 

To achieve this we operate the following complaints procedures

  1. Initially any parent wanting to raise concerns about the nursery would be asked to discuss the issue with the nursery manager.
  2. If the concern was about the nursery manager then they would go to Club Kingswood manager or the deputy manager.
  3. If the parent does not feel that the complaint has been dealt with accordingly then they would be able to complete a complaints form.
  4. We have a complaints book in the reception area which has forms to be completed stating the source of the complaint, the nature of the complaint, how it was dealt with and what the actions and outcomes are.
  5. If the parent still feels that the complaint has still not been dealt with then a meeting can be arranged with the nursery manager and/or the clubs senior management. 
  6. The parents will be advised as to any change that has been made as a result of the complaint.
  7. If the parent still feels that the complaint has not been dealt with then Ofsted can be contacted directly on 0300 123 1231.
  8. If the child is at risk then the nursery will follow their safeguarding policy and liaise with the local safe guarding officer and Ofsted. 
  9. If the risk is not the child's parent then both parents will be kept fully informed.

Date Re-wrote.................................................................................

Managers signature...........................................................................

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